Saturday 4 August 2012

Concentration - one of the 6 principles of Pilates

The Pilates principle of CONCENTRATION refers to the intentional act of bringing ones mind to the body. If one brings full attention to each exercise and executes it with full commitment, maximum value will be obtained from each movement. Concentration is the focus needed to achieve quality movement. If your mind wanders, your focus has left the room!

The 6 Core Guiding Principles of Pilates

Classical Pilates teaches to the six principles of Pilates. These are:
  • Concentration
  • Centering
  • Control
  • Precision
  • Breathing
  • Flowing movement
It is the mastery of these that govern the correct execution of the Pilates exercises and allow you to gain the most from the movement system. We'll look at each of these in the next posts.